Monday, December 26, 2011

Who am I?

365 Days of Creativity

I realize that I am not updating everyday like I said. But fuck it, my blog, my rules.

I also finally got some terrible votes on my blog! About time! "Fame or infamy, either one is better than being forgotten."

day fifty one

Who am I?

I am everything you've never wanted to be.

Every dare, every sin, every bad influence you've ever had.

I'm that kid with the drug connection.

I'm that girl with the sex addiction.

I am every broken home, every forgotten dream, every loner, stoner and shameful boner.

I am your daddy issues, I am the skeleton in your closet.

I am your alcohol, your nicotine, your guilt, your fears, your violent wet dreams.

I am your obsession and your disgust. I am your bulimia and your mistrust.

I am relapse, I am self loathing.
I am nightmares and tears, and wolves in sheep's clothing.

I am temptation, your gluttony, your sloth.
I am your need to win at all costs.

I am a razor, shiny and sharp. 
I am your gateway, into the dark.

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