365 Days of Creativity
day one hundred and sixteen
/ I keep putting my hand back into the flame
wondering if I'll ever catch fire/
So who are you?
She asks of me
She asks of me,
the mirrors three
three angles three angels three angler-fish
three curly cue lights on curly cue fish
So who are you?
I ask of her
I ask of her
the murderer
the killer the soldier the warrior true
the one who abolishes anything new
So who are we?
We ask of each other
We ask of each other
our blood and bone brothers
So how can I stop her?
HE asks the three
the three different words
three versions of me
With fire!
With water!
With forgotten name!
Whispers the feather, onto the stain.
Whispers the heart, onto the brain;
"Stop her you must not,
for she is we.
She is the dear spine,
that ties you to me,
but spinal chords snapped,
she is the one
who tears us apart,
who rends us undone."
Then how can we keep her?
Whispers the flesh
Whispers the young one
Seven years fresh
"To keep her held straight,
you must lay her down.
Gently, alone,
weave her a crown.
Hands, this is your task,
tie it up soon.
Ribbons of flesh,
Weaved under the moon.
Muscles and sinew,
lend us yourselves,
lend us your strength,
your wicker-ous cells."
The spine yes she needs us!
Kneads us all day,
growing us weary,
Making us slaves!
"We cannot undo her,
or selves, fall apart.
We cannot taboo her,
or curse our own."
But body!
HE cries
She's not even of us!
-the heart lies-
"We changed once she loved us!
Souls are not separate, dependent beings,
they barter and wager,
trade parts between.
Like alloys of metal, once fused;
no refusal.
The fusion of love is a permanent rule."
Don't listen-
-brain starts
but heart beats too strong
HE cannot hear brain,
o-ver bloody throng
"Keep her we must,
and keep her we shall"
The pumping red boa
tells the other halves
And HE nods, for though she had left him un-spun
Left him a hero, lost and unsung,
this muse, this music,
his life's inspiration,
she left him a bone,
called 'pure desperation'
"Come back, come back,
my sweet Jezabel.
I'll light you a fire,
remind you of hell.
I'll stick in my hand, and let it catch flame.
I'll bat away bats,
keep darkness at bay.
Scorching my arm
and burning my wrist,
I'll keep you unharmed,
I'll make you my BITCH
No, no! I misspoke,
please don't run away.
I simply mean,
I will make you pay
STAY! I meant stay,
oh my tongue's all a twist!
My mind has been muted,
my thoughts, all a mist.
He struggles with matches
to bring her back.
No wood does he have,
but his cabin shack.
With hair from the witches,
he sparks up a pyre.
Throwing in notebooks,
beckoning, HIGHER!
The pages do fry,
their muse-master spire,
and he burns up their words,
A Love Affair Fire.
His product, his project,
his whole sense of being,
belittled and quitted,
un-requited it seemed.
But just as the last works
melted away,
a piece of ash rises,
like salt from a bay,
and yea here what have HE?
What have we?
HE says
"It's her,"
says the heart
"she's no longer dead."
And red-orange; heat mottled,
a minuscule bird,
a flame-feathered angel,
Creator of Words,
wakes up and blinks her, e-ternal eye.
"Come," coos the Phoenix "It is time to write."