Thursday, August 25, 2011

DIY Tote Bag

I find if I decide to put off writing for a day or two, those days almost always stretch into weeks. So to keep myself inspired and crafty I've decided to take on a self created project. To do at least one creative thing a day. Whether it be a story or a drawing or a photo, I've GOT to do something creative. No they won't always be pretty or high quality, but at least I'll be keeping them valuable juices flowing.

365 Days of Creativity

day one

For my first day of artsiness, I decided to make a tote bag out of an old shirt. I did a step by step guide for this one in case anyone wants to try their own. I'm sure there's lots of better tutorials out there, but I didn't look any up, so this is how I ended up doing it.

On a side note, this is the first thing I've ever sewn, other than a rip in my jean skirt.

What you'll need:

One shirt that you no longer wear. This is a strapless top so if you're using a t-shirt you'd probably have a lot more work to do than I did. I especially liked this shirt because it has pockets. You'll see them at the end.

Scissors, a needle, and thread. Or a sewing machine if you have one. I'm poor, so my budget was maxed out when I had to buy the fifty cent spool of thread and the dollar's worth of sewing needles. (dollar stores rule)

You'll also need another old shirt to make the strap out of, so pick a colour that doesn't clash too much. (or does, who am I to tell you what to do?)

Step 1) Turn your shirt inside out. We're going to sew along the bottom edge. I sewed just above the seam.

I used a back stitch along the bottom of the bag. Apparently it's a really sturdy stitch. I doubled it up just in case.

Step 2) Take the other shirt you don't want and trace a line down the bottom. Leave about 4-5 inches.

Step 3)  Cut off the bottom section. Using the bottom stitching means less work for you! Now cut open one side of the tube so you have a long strip. Measure how long you want your strap to be and cut the strip accordingly. 

Fold and sew the edge of the strip that you just cut, so the strip has more of a finished look.

Step 4) Turn your bag right side out, and fold in the top. Now sew each end of the strap to the opposite sides of the inside of your bag.

And voila!! You've got your own homemade tote bag.
Look how great those pockets are.

There it is, Day One of my challenge.

and yes, that is The Office in the background.

1 comment:

  1. A bag!!! And here am I doing tiny sketches each day...
