Sunday, August 28, 2011

What Would You Never Do?

I barely had time to do anything creative yesterday, but in between my two shifts at work I managed to squeeze out a piece of writing. Unfortunately I had to wait until today before I got an opportunity to post it.

365 Days of Creativity

day three

         People have their own set of basic rules, ethics and boundary's. It's easy when someone asks you, "Have you ever cheated in a relationship?" to say "Oh I would never!" But as life goes on, you realize more and more how much you lie to yourself. How many things you told yourself you wouldn't do. That person you said you wouldn't fall for, the job you said you wouldn't take, those words you promised not to utter. And that line you said you wouldn't cross is now miles behind you. Now someone asks if you've ever cheated and your answer is a jumble of half formed explanations and excuses.

"Well... this one time... but I was reaaaally drunk."
"It wasn't a healthy relationship anyways."
"A bit of fooling around, but it wasn't like we fucked or anything!"

           It makes you look at who you've become. What about everyone else that's cheated? Are they still disloyal sluts and disgusting liars? Or is there maybe a story behind every broken promise.

          Ask yourself: What would I never do?
And think, really think about your answer. Before you deny ever being able to kill someone, imagine that your victim has just kidnapped your child. No? What if they raped your sister? Your mother? How about if they killed the love of your life. Now? Now would you kill them? What if, if you didn't, your whole family would be ripped to shreds in front of you?

            If you still think you wouldn't do it, maybe you really obey your moral code. Or maybe you live in fear. Of the repercussions, of god, of your guilt. But more likely you're thinking... "Well if the guy killed my dad... and if I could get away with it..." And now that you've even considered murder, are you sure about those ethics you've lived by and judged others by?

So I ask you again:

What would you never do?

            As for me? I honestly can't say. So many times I've turned my back on myself, on others. Am I a bad person because I can't list a hundred morals?....Maybe. But who are you to judge?


  1. Screw you for making me look at myself. But in all seriousness, I think more people need to think about themselves in this light. At least consider that given certain circumstances you might falter. That anyone can fall and all that jazz. Not only is it more honest, but if you're aware you could slip up you may be more careful. Good read.

  2. Agreed. I also feel that if we took more time to look at ourselves, we wouldn't be so quick to judge and dismiss others.

    Thanks for the feedback.
