Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Life is Art

Deceitful art is a sin greater than murder. Art reveals more about the artist than the subject itself. True art is just masturbation hidden beneath pretty sheets. Art is a way for us to reveal that which we are too scared to simply say. Love, hate, racism, adultery, homosexuality, fury, glee, desperation, abandonment, abuse, deceit, cheating, chance, freedom; All of these things can be easily explored in the name of art. One may not commit sodomy, but one may write about it, paint it, film it, and all is well. Anything is accepted by society when labelled art.

But I say the painter and the writer are as responsible as the people who do such things in real life. Not that they should be looked down upon for such instincts and urges, but should be praised for admitting to such wants, even under the false pretense of art. Do not be scared to let yourself make art. Do not shy away from the truths which will be revealed about yourself. Instead, let yourself write the story of the psychotic murderer, write it in the first person. Immerse yourself and reveal yourself. Life is never as fun as when you're stealing it from others.

Write about things that evoke emotions from you. Don't simply write what makes everyone else happy, write about what thrills you, what scares you. Don't just write what you know, write what you want to know. Let your creation be your teacher. Let your prose be a mirror. A camera on a timer. A self-portrait. Let your art reveal parts of yourself that you didn't know you had. Risk everything not for a reward, but to chance the odds that you may break, that you may fall to the depths of your soul and discover the most terrifying truths about yourself. Put your heart into your work, write with your blood in a book bound by your own skin.

Honesty Honesty Honesty. That is art. The truth is art. Life is art. Art is not the shade, art is the light by which to cast away the shadows. Art is the means to revealing the truth. The more you lie to yourself, the harder it is to make art. The truth hurts, and the more painful the art, the more honest it will be.

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