Monday, September 12, 2011

In Which I Make Muffins

I said that I wasn't going to watch Game Of Thrones until I finished reading the series, but I watched the first episode the other night and god damn if I didn't like it. 
So I'm currently working through the series which looks like it's been very well done. Of course not all of the characters match what I pictured, Cersei isn't the hottest shit ever and is clearly not naturally blonde, and Joffrey looks, as my friend so delicately put it, looks like a swedish girl that ran into a wall.

If you want to check the series out you can watch it free here: (no downloading or membership needed)

365 Days of Creativity

day nineteen

Apple Banana Oatmeal Muffins

Part of living on a budget means I can't always buy the healthiest or most gourmet foods. So I'm starting to experiment.

For this simple and super cheap recipe you'll need a few things.

One ripe banana, one apple, and cinnamon & sugar.
I cheated and bought the premade muffin mix, but seriously, it's cheap and delicious. And a huge time saver.

First dump your mix into the bowl, and add the water.

Take your banana and mush it up in a separate bowl.

Add cinnamon and sugar. I just eyeballed it, I'd say one table spoon. (I reaaaally like cinnamon and sugar)

Chop up your apple. Diced I should say.

Mix together the mushed banana and C&S, and the apple pieces with the muffin mix.

Pour into muffin tins. I sprinkled more C&S on top. (I seriously love it) and I used cupcake liners because there's way less cleanup, and you save calories on the greasing of the tin. (though I'm sure I make up for it)

Next, let bake about 25 minutes, cool, and enjoy! Oh, and just a warning, they smell like mini doughnuts at the fair when they bake, so maybe grab a drool bib.

Price breakdown: (hit up the dollar store!)

Apple and Banana: $1 each
(I don't know the price of a single one, so lets round up)
Muffin cups: $.50
Muffin tin: $1.25
Muffin mix: $1.25
Cinnamon&sugar: $1

So there you have it, at least 12 delicious Apple Banana Oatmeal muffins for 5 bucks! Who said baking is expensive?

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